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Need A Boiler Replacement In Kingston?

Have you got an ancient G-rated boiler in your airing cupboard? Do you suspect it might be time to have a boiler replacement in Kingston?

Unsurprisingly, boilers account for over 55% of your energy bills per year, so it’s worth investing in the most efficient model possible. Newer A-rated boilers are more efficient, increasingly cost-effective and much better for the environment.

They are also less likely to break down and generally more reliable, especially if you choose an A-rated model. This is because newer models are always condensing boilers which have larger heat exchangers and therefore recover more heat; they also recuperate even more energy from the condensed vapour.

If you live in a larger family it’s best to use a regular boiler, while smaller households usually benefit from a combi boiler. Our team are always happy to advise you on the best model for your household.

The boiler is one of the most important parts of any household; without it, your everyday life simply can’t run properly. Your Local Plumbing Company can make sure you make the best possible investment when getting a boiler replacement.

If you need a boiler replacement in Kingston, why not try our online quoting tool?

Or simply contact our friendly team today for more information.

020 8090 0778.

Check out our previous article here.